
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Top Five Saturday Laughs 6.9.12

Happy Saturday!  June has started off as a very eventful and fun month for our family.  We've had lots of wonderful celebrations with a wedding and graduation open houses, we took the day off to go to the Tigers game with great friends.  We are quite busy, but enjoying it very much.

This week our laughs are primarily about Claire, I guess she was a little extra silly.

5.  At the girls daycare, there are two kids that have casts on their arms (there are only six total kids!).  Miss Cynthia is always telling the kids that they have to be calm around the kids with casts so they don't get hurt.  Claire skinned her knees, so she instructed us to "be calm around her since she has scabs."  She then proceeded to get a cane to help her walk.

4.  Claire loves to play detective.  She gets her magnifying glass out to look for clues.  However, instead of detective, she pronounces it, "protective."  I have to hold in the chuckles every time!

3.  Natalie has learned to make the pucker kiss noise.  Before she gives us kisses, she makes the sound and we laugh.  She loves knowing that she's funny so she continues to do it, we love it!

2.  Claire was playing with my mom throwing things around and something landed on a high bookshelf.  My mom is only 5'3" so she often can't reach things up high.  She was able to reach the item in peril and Claire was so excited.  Claire told her, "Grandma, you're getting so tall!"

1.  Ryan plays slow pitch softball and when we are able, we go to his games.  Often we have to miss them since they start too close to Natalie's bedtime.  This past week we were able to go to the early game and Claire wanted to bring a trophy for Daddy, since "He will be the best Tiger on the field."  So sweet!!

Like always, I'm linking up with Melissa from The Mommyhood Chronicles.  If you have a funny post, come link up!



  1. So SWEET! Your girls are absolutely beautiful. Kids really do say the darndest things, and yours seem to keep you cracking up often! Keep these funny posts comin, I love them!


    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I don't get lots of time to blog, but I almost always do these laughs just to remember all these funny things through the years :)

  2. Oh my goodness- 2 kids out of 6 have casts. No wonder why she was going to get a cane,lol. I would be hysterical with her playing detective. How cute! Haha- grandma your getting so tall. Being 5,2, I wish Claire was right and we could grow! Aw- #1 is so sweet! looks like you had such a great week my friend!

    1. I didn't realize that you are only 5'2", I'm 6" taller than you :). It was a great week! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. Your kids are so cute! Thanks for sharing their antics of the week.

    Danielle @ Royalegacy

  4. I love how kids think that adults can grow too! #1 is too sweet, she's Daddy's girl for sure!


Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.