
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Top Five Saturday Laughs 4.21.12

Ryan and I had opposite weeks.  He thought the week went by super fast while I couldn't understand what was taking so long for the weekend to get here.  We are both thankful that it is Saturday and are looking forward to celebrating a friend's wedding this evening.

I know I forgot to write down a few funny things this week and for the life of me, I cannot recall them!  Regardless, I still had plenty on my list to choose from :)

5.  Claire seems to pick up on silly sayings all the time, her latest is "totally cool".  With the drama and verbage of this little girl, I am fearful of the teenage years already.

4.  We are in the process of creating a play area for all the girls outside.  We did have our swingset in the front yard until our landscaping went in last week, so now we must find a home for it and the other little toddler toys that we have accumulated.  We were working on a layout and letting the girls play in the backyard one evening after dinner.  Natalie loves to slide, cracking up with laughter each time I help her down the slide.  We have this tiny little slide/climber that Natalie can negotiate on her own and she climbed up the two steps and figured out how to go down the slide.  She ended up going down straight on her back and wiping out on the grass, but couldn't be more proud of the fact that she did it herself.

3.  One day, Claire gave Natalie a kiss and hug so I told her that she was such a sweet big sister.  She replied, "Awe, shucks.  Thanks Mommy."  Melt my heart and crack me up!

2.  At dinner, Natalie dropped her sippy cup and perfectly exclaimed, "Uh-Oh!" (so much so that Ryan thought Claire said it).  This was the first time she had said this so we all cracked up laughing.  However, Natalie didn't appreciate our laughter and started babbling in an angry tone.  It was like she was yelling at us!

1.  I have talked about how Claire is the queen of stalling.  That girl has a serious talent for dragging things out! She had been in bed for an hour and was still playing around.  When I went in to tell her it was not time to play, she didn't have any pajamas on, no pull up and had successfully taken off her pillowcase.  I let out a large sigh, to which Claire said, "Do I drive you crazy Mommy?"  I had to laugh and tell her that she did drive me crazy sometimes.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!  If you're up for some funny reading, make sure you check out The Mommyhood Chronicles.



  1. Haha, kids do drive us crazy but its worth it!

    Yay for Natalie saying Uh oh!

  2. Haha on totally cool! Love that! Awesome for N for doing the slide- Zane could not do that if he tried:) Love that she said Oh-oh! Do I drive you crazy- LOVE LOVE this laugh! Hysterical!


Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.