
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Top 5 Saturday Laughs

It's still officially Saturday and it's been a wonderful weekend so far!  We just got the rest of our house decorated for Christmas, I love this decor so much!!

My girls get funnier by the day, but I am not doing such a great job writing everything down!  Here are some of the stand out laughs of our week.

5.  Natalie is quite the climber these days - over everything that is in her way.  The other day, she got 'high-centered' on Ryan's legs and got angry that she couldn't get over them.  We just sat there laughing at her tantrum.   Yet another tantrum throwing girl for our family - ha!

4.  For the longest time, Claire would repeat whatever she was saying until you acknowledged her.  You couldn't get away with 'that sounds good' or 'yes honey'.  It was a 'yes Claire, I see that game, we can play it'.  Basically repeating whatever she said back to her.  I think she's finally over that phase!  The other day, she told me, "stop saying the same thing as me mommy."  Music to my ears!

3.  Claire found an old pair of 2T footie jammies in her drawer (she's in 3 or 4T) and insisted that she must wear them on the spot.  Somehow we managed to get her in them, but she basically looked like a bobsledder, they were SO tight.

2.  As some of you know, we are big Detroit Tigers fans.  We have a Tigers board book that Claire loves to read.  She calls Ryan in her room after reading it and turns it to the page with Comerica Park.  She then screams while jumping up and down, "That's Co-Erica Park, when I grow up, I'm going to play baseball there.  I will be the. FASTEST. RUNNER. EVER"   That's our girl, super competitive at 2 years old.

1.  Natalie has taken to shaking her head 'no'.  She started this at daycare and I hadn't seen it yet. The next day, I went to lay her down for her nap and told her it was time for night night.  She responded with the most vigorous head shake to date. I seriously cracked up over it.  

Enjoy your week!  I am looking forward to finishing up my shopping (three stores to visit, hopefully all the same day since two are for giftcards), mailing my Christmas cards and getting started on the wrapping.  I also hope to be holding a squishy newborn since my little sister is due anyday with my newest nephew/niece.


  1. Love it- another tantrum throwing girl!! LOL. I love that C has such a love of baseball as her daddy. Hysterical with her jumping up and down. Bobsledder Claire-LOL!! H still wears 2T in pajamas-sigh! We need a video of her shaking her head! Yah, for another baby in the family. Cant wait to hear!!! Loved your laughs !!

  2. I just love these posts. My daughter is 13 months and just started stomping her feet when she doesn't get her I in trouble?! EEK! Have a nice week. :)

  3. sorry, catching up on blogs...Im behind! so cute! we have those jammies too ;)


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