
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wow, a blog award!!?

I'm pretty new to this blogging thing.  I don't know how to make a fancy background, a cool graphic header or even a button to link to my page or connect to me on twitter or facebook.  I just like to write (blame it on my days of yearbook back in HS) and I like to talk - a lot.  This blogging thing is both, so I really enjoy it.

I was very surprised when a new friend of mine from twitter gave me a blogging award.  She has all those fancy things in a blog, including fun giveaways and advertisers.  I even had to ask her what I was supposed to do with the award, that's how new I am to this whole thing.  Here is a little bit about Melissa.  She has two kids that are very similar in age to Claire and Natalie so it is fun to hear their stories!  Her blog is make sure you go check it out.

So these are the awards that I was given:

After asking what I needed to do to 'accept' these awards, I discovered that I had to tell 7 things about myself so here it goes:

1.  I am recently addicted to twitter, it has surpassed my facebook on my most frequented sites on the Google Chrome browser.
2.  I have a degree in mathematics and a statistics minor, however I sell brick and stone for a living.  
3.  My favorite part of my job is putting all the colors of an exterior together - so un-math like.
4.  The hubs and I have been together for 12.5 years and married for 7.
5.  I buy my girls clothes because I hate shopping for myself since nothing fits and their stuff is SO much cuter.
6.  I don't tighten caps on anything and it drives my husband crazy.
7.  I have a hard time taking me-time.  I have horrible mom-guilt about working full time so any time away from work I want to spend with my girls.

Now I get to pass these awards on to some other bloggers who I love to read, make sure you check out their blogs :)

Thanks again for the awards Melissa!!


  1. Love this! Thanks for the shout out! Twitter also surpassed my fb and I was addicted to fb:) and guess what, I have a minor in math,lol. Were very much alike:)

  2. Congrats on your award! Happy blogging :)

  3. new follower :) congrats on the awards and your girls are too cute


Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.