
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Social Media vs DVR

Here is the first blog post not about our girls {gasp}.  I am participating in Toddle Along Tuesday from Mama G from Growing Up Geeky and this weeks topic is FAIL.  Since I already wrote about the mommy fail from Trunk or Treat where I forgot a spare set of clothes when Claire had an accident and she rode home naked, I decided that I would write about the other love in our house, the Detroit Tigers.

My husband is a die hard Tigers fan and always has been.  We even watched all the televised games in 2003 where they lost 119 games (they only played 162).  Claire and Natalie both have Tigers apparel, Claire has the Detroit Tigers book memorized (she knows they play at Comerica Park, names of some of the legends and what the World Series trophy looks like), and whenever we play baseball we are being Tigers.  This year was great because the Tigers made the playoffs.  Since the games typically started at 8:00 we had to DVR them since Claire normally watches a show before bed.  While I was putting Claire in bed, Ryan would get Natalie bathed and ready to eat so that we could sit down and start the game while Natalie nursed.

These days I'm rather addicted to social media, always checking my twitter and facebook on my phone.  Ryan would always warn me to not check these sites as I might see updates.  I don't sit still well, so it wouldn't be long and I'd be on my phone seeing what my friends were up to.  Of course, I couldn't get through a few minutes without seeing an update of some sort.  Reading the updates was not a big deal, the big deal was that I almost always had a verbal response instantly after my reading.  Since my husband knows me so very well, he was pretty much cued into what was happening in the game, despite my feeble attempts at making up excuses and stories to throw him off the trail.

So my fail of the week is telling the husband about the outcome of more than one of the playoff games before he was able to watch it.  Sorry honey!  Moral of the story, I don't lie well and I can't keep secrets from my husband, he can read me like a book :)


Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.